Other activities

As qualified legal practitioners, notaries will gladly serve as contact persons for you in regards to other legal questions. Today, the profession is increasingly faced with the challenges of the Internet and multimedia-dominated world. Since 01.01.2007, company data is electronically accessible through the trade register (www.handelsregister.de). In this context, notaries are responsible for the creation of electronically notarised copies and the creation of electronic data and its transfer to the register court, as well as for electronic public notarisation. Notarial certification is also necessary to found associations or if the register of associations must be notified of a change in the executive board. Notarial duties additionally include the takeover of trusts and custodianships. In order to make provisions for illnesses or accidents, it can be useful to grant a trusted third party the authority, through durable notarial power of attorney, to govern personal affairs and – for a company – to transact necessary business that cannot be delayed. A post-mortem power of attorney continues to be in effect after death.